Citracado Dental Group • Jan 21, 2022

It can happen suddenly. A dental emergency resulting from an accident or sports injury can be painful and cause anxiety, especially if the injury is severe.

A dental emergency such as a dislodged tooth requires a quick response, as the timeframe to save the tooth is at stake. A dental professional will make an appropriate diagnosis, and prompt attention will ensure the best possible outcome. The sooner you visit the dentist, the better.

What to do: tooth knocked out

An “avulsed tooth,” one that is completely knocked out of its socket, occurs in children and adults from trauma to the mouth, and should be treated urgently. Some five million teeth are dislodged in some form each year, but they do not have to be lost forever.

The window for saving and re-implanting the tooth is very narrow, and ideally should be completed within ONE HOUR of the injury. If you find yourself in this predicament, remain calm and plan out your next steps with the understanding that time is of the essence.

Here are some tooth-saving steps to take in the event of an avulsed tooth:

  • Carefully locate and handle the tooth by the crown. The crown is the top of the tooth that makes contact with food. Avoid touching the root, which is normally below the gum line.
  • If the tooth falls on the ground, carefully rinse the tooth with water. Do not scrub the surface.
  • If it is an adult tooth, it may be possible to get the tooth to re-attach. If you can, place the tooth back in the socket by gently pushing it into position. Make sure to hold it by the crown before reinserting. Once in place, slowly bite with light pressure to secure.
  • If it is not possible to reinsert the tooth, you’ll want to keep it moist. The best option is to place it in saline (mildly salty water), milk, or regular water. If you don’t have any handy, another option is to hold it inside your mouth next to your inner cheek.
  • Call your dentist immediately, as time is running out! To increase the chance of saving the tooth, you will have no more than about 60 minutes to successfully address your dental emergency.

If a front tooth is broken, try to collect the pieces and bring them as well. Acting quickly will improve the chances of a successful repair.

Tooth injury in kids

Pediatric injuries can be more complex. Socket and bone health are a concern when a child loses a primary tooth unnaturally. Replanting the tooth is generally not recommended, as it could pose additional risks with the developing permanent tooth below the gumline.

Dentists will assess pediatric injuries on a case-by-case basis, but acting fast will increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

How to prevent serious injuries

Not every accident or sport injury is preventable, but there are steps you can take to better protect your mouth and teeth.

Sports injuries are the most common cause for an avulsed tooth and fracture. Wearing a protective mouth guard greatly decreases the odds of dental injury.

A custom-designed mouth guard or an over-the-counter mouth appliance protects teeth and gums and also has other benefits, such as easing teeth grinding. If your child engages in a high-contact sport, such as baseball, football or soccer, we strongly recommend a dentist-designed, custom sports guard to protect the teeth and jaws.

Contact us

No matter what type of injury occurs, regular follow-up is important to ensure a healthy, long-lasting result. Teeth that are traumatized face a high likelihood of becoming infected, so it is important to have it evaluated, even if the tooth does not get knocked out completely.

If your emergency occurs outside office hours, Citracado Dental offers a 24-hour emergency line. We also see dental emergencies the same day during office hours. Other dental emergencies are equally important to us, and we will do our best to take care of you promptly.



By Citracado Dental Group 25 Apr, 2024
As we make way for May, a month of bright blossoms and the start of warmer weather, we also celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month . During this time, we focus our attention on highlighting the fundamental significance of mental wellness. During discussions surrounding anxiety and depression, one topic often overlooked is dental anxiety - an issue that affects millions around the world. Dental anxiety extends beyond mere dislike about going to the dentist. Rather, it is a complex emotional response that can stem from previous experiences, anticipated pain or discomfort or generalized anxiety disorders. For many people, even thinking about dental procedures can trigger intense fear reactions, panic attacks or behaviors aimed at avoiding dental care altogether. Understanding that dental anxiety isn't just about oral health but is often intertwined with broader mental health issues is vital. If you suffer from anxiety disorders or have had traumatic histories, you may be particularly susceptible to dental anxiety. Here are some tips that you can take to help break the cycle of fear and promote overall wellness. Open Communication: Don't hesitate to discuss your trepidation and fears with your dentist. Our team can tailor our approach based on your or your child’s individual needs and offer comforting reassurances throughout your appointment. Relaxation Techniques: Utilize relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation before and during your dental appointment. These methods can reduce anxiety levels and promote a feeling of calmness. Gradual Exposure: If you find yourself overwhelmed by dread at the thought of visiting the dentist, consider gradually exposing yourself to different aspects of it – start with neutral activities like sitting in the waiting room or discussing treatment plans. Sedation Dentistry: If you grapple with intense dental anxiety, sedation dentistry can offer significant relief. This method employs medication to induce relaxation during dental procedures, leading to a more comfortable and stress-free experience. Seeking Professional Assistance: If dental anxiety is significantly disrupting your daily life, it might be helpful to reach out to a mental health professional. Therapy offers valuable coping strategies and tools to effectively help manage your feelings. Dental anxiety doesn't only affect adults - children can also struggle with it, often due to fear of the unknown or past negative experiences. As parents and caregivers, it's essential to establish positive connections with dental care early on. Here are some suggestions: Early Familiarization: Introduce children to the dental environment well before their first appointment. This can help them become used to both their surroundings and the dental team. Role-playing: Encourage pretend play at home that simulates dentist visits. This helps children grow comfortable with the concept of dental procedures in a fun, secure and non-threatening environment. Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward your child's bravery during dentist appointments. Emphasize the role of oral hygiene in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Plus, many little ones look forward to a visit to the toy chest after a visit! While dental anxiety can present a significant challenge to achieving optimal oral health and overall wellness, by addressing the mental health aspects of dental anxiety and applying practical coping strategies, both adults and children can overcome fears and foster positive experiences with dentistry. At Citracado Dental Group, your comfort and well-being are our top priority. We recognize that dental visits can evoke anxiety in some patients, and we strive to surpass expectations in providing a pleasant and positive experience for every patient. Your visit to our office is not just about dental care; it's about feeling relaxed and at ease during your time with us. To help make this happen, we have a selection of great amenities lined up to make your visit more comfortable and enjoyable. From neck or back pillows and soft blankets to bottled water or juice selections, we aim to create a soothing environment where you can unwind. Need to zone out? You can enjoy your favorite music on a personal iPad or indulge in a hot cup of gourmet coffee or tea from our bar. We also offer complimentary Wi-Fi, headphones for your listening pleasure, and even facial towels and lip balm for an extra special touch. We’re committed to ensuring your trip to our office is an enjoyable one! Schedule your next visit by calling or texting 760-489-5545.
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